產品名稱 : 隔膜幫浦

在選擇一台能完全輸送特殊液體的泵浦時,首先應注意要輸送液體的性質: 如黏度、比重、所含顆粒的比率與顆粒的最大粒徑。泵浦吸入(及排出)的位差與水平距離、輸送液體的溫度、配管方式等各種因素,當有所改變時對泵浦的輸送量將會有很大影響。考慮以上各種因素後,為使您所選擇的泵浦壽命更為長久,應以原需求的輸送量的1.5倍來選擇泵浦最為適當。




01. Glazing and clay transfer in ceramic plant. 06. Paper pulp in papermaking.
02. Jam, jelly, beverage transfer. 07. Ink, paint, resin, pigment transfer.
03. Adhesives, glue, solvent transfer. 08. Heavy oill transfer.
04. Waste water treatment. 09. Raw material transfer in chemistry factory.
05. Mud filter equipment. 10. The field of variable pressure and flow.



01. Explosion proof. 11. Easy operation.
02. No mechanical seals. 12. Pumping low density dry powders.
03. No rotating parts (or bearing). 13. Shut down anytime without damage.
04. No bypass piping required. 14. Acts filter work in handling waste water.
05. Can run dry continuously without damage. 15. Operating without generate heat.
06. Compact size, portable. 16. Operating temperature up to 130℃.
07. Variable speed and pressure. 17. Ideal for shear sensitive materials.
08. No efficiency loss by pressure or flow change. 18. Handles non-abrasive but high corrosive fluid.
09. Handles abrasive fluids. 19. Dry, self-priming suction.
10. Handles high viscosity fluids.  


隔膜材質特性 (僅供參考)

隔膜材質 (工作溫度) 本體(接液機體)材質
鋁合金 不銹鋼 (SS316) 工程塑膠(PP)
Neoprene (0~80°C) 海水, 釉藥, 冷媒, 礦泥, 陶土 廢水, 石灰 硫酸 (20%)
NBR (0~80°C) 潤滑油, 重油 印刷油墨, 樹脂  
EPDM (0~90°C) 二氯甲烷 酒精, 乳酸l, 大豆油  
Teflon (0~130°C) 甲苯, 三氯乙烷, 冬綠油 硝酸, 丙酮 苛性鈉, 電鍍熔液
Viton (0~130°C) 柏油 松節油